Simplify online booking with TicketingHub’s top-notch aquarium software. Our reservation system allows for smooth management of future reservations and blackout dates, ensuring your guests can easily select their planned visit date.
Built for aquarium tour operators, our specialized tour operator booking software enhances direct online reservations, attendee management, and distribution.
Our 24/7 booking widget allows seamless reservations and payments on any mobile device.
Increase aquarium bookings
Make booking aquarium tours easier with a widget tailored to your brand.
Just one line of code to integrate seamlessly into your CMS - perfect for your homepage or booking page.
Convert more visitors and boost loyalty with a 5-step booking process.
Multiple currencies and payment methods cater to aquarium enthusiasts.
Provide resellers with a login portal to manage their tours.
Get 80% more bookings with affiliate links and resellers
Increase aquarium tour bookings by 80% through affiliate links.
Provide resellers with a white-labeled widget and login portal to manage aquarium tours.
Öka din räckvidd genom att visa upp dina resmål på OTA:er som Get Your Guide, TripAdvisor, Klook och Airbnb Experiences.
We're here to make tour operators' lives easier. Our aquarium booking software is custom-designed for industry operators in the aquarium sector, saving them up to 80% on customer inquiries and backend inefficiencies.
Make your tours more personal by integrating CRM.
Call less and save time
Our user-friendly magic link enables visitors to reschedule, cancel, or convert aquarium tour bookings themselves.
Skicka påminnelser automatiskt med vårt meddelandeverktyg, så att alla är redo och förväntansfulla.
Stop missing any required guest information and verify visitor emails during the reservation process to prevent invalid bookings.
Send follow-up emails to visitors who do not complete their bookings.
Marketing that sells
Secure every reservation by reminding customers about abandoned carts. We send follow-up emails to enthusiasts who don't complete their bookings.
När turerna är fullbokade, sätt upp gästerna på en väntelista.
Enhance your online presence in aquarium tour booking by launching automated feedback requests from participants.
Track everything from one dashboard.
Get in control
Set and modify availability slots across booking platforms.
Förhindra överbokningar med realtidsdata på en molnplattform.
Kontrollera tillgängligheten i alla kanaler så att du alltid är uppdaterad.
Manage customer information and make VIPs feel special by segmenting them in CRM.
Gör det personligt
Give dedicated aquarium lovers a better experience through personalized experiences, thanks to segmenting CRM data.
Provide participants with an easy way to modify their bookings, reducing customer queues and interaction.
Främja recensioner efter resan genom att uppmana besökarna att skriva dem.
Discover Lions Water Adventure Park's 400% profit growth with TicketingHub!
Lions Water Adventure Park faced challenges in expanding its customer base and managing bookings. With the integration of TicketingHub’s cloud-based reservation software, they experienced 400% profit growth within a year. The software’s data-driven approach and seamless online ticketing and reservation system helped the park reach more out-of-state customers, ensuring guests are well-informed about tour bookings and reservations. The park now efficiently sells more tickets through various channels, offering an enhanced customer experience and ensuring satisfaction and repeat visits.
Designed for zoos and aquariums, our intuitive ticketing software caters to their unique needs.
It excels at organizing tour participants and simplifying online bookings across mobile devices and various sales platforms. In return, it boosts revenue and ensures an unmatched aquarium tour experience every time.
Ensure a great guest experience on every tour.
Get a better handle on tickets and tours
Online and in-person tour reservations are easy with our aquarium software.
Get rid of outdated manual ticketing systems and make your reservation easy with our cloud-based solution.
Every step of the way, whether organizing one-day aquarium tours, exclusive behind-the-scenes experiences, and special events, or promoting early bird bookings, our software ensures tourists have an excellent tour experience.
Keeping inventory in check
Make aquarium tours easier with our integrated platform. With our ticketing platform, you can make online and on-site general admission tickets, customize ticket categories, monitor bookings, manage future restrictions and blackout dates, and offer special promotions all in one place.
Få en bokningslösning som ökar intäkterna och får kunderna att återkomma.
Sell more aquarium tour tickets on your website when you let visitors book online.
Analyses and insights
Data-driven planning is crucial for effective tourism. Our aquarium booking software provides detailed analytics and reports on ticket sales, tourist behavior, and more.
Vi integrerar sömlöst med Google Search Console, Google Analytics och Facebook Pixel.
Hitta de bästa tiderna för att boka turer och utveckla strategier för att öka intäkterna och antalet bokade turer.
A simple point-of-sale integration
We have POS integration that makes selling tours and daily tickets in person easy, synchronizing reservations accurate with your online bookings.
The best aquarium booking software is one that is not just a reservation system but a comprehensive solution tailored to aquarium operators. It should offer seamless integration with multiple sales channels, real-time availability updates, and mobile-friendly features.
TicketingHub and Rezgo stand out as they provide these features along with robust support and training. This ensures aquarium operators can maximize software utility for enhanced customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
How can aquarium booking software enhance the aquarium tour experience?
Aquarium booking software significantly enhances the tour experience by offering guests online booking. This ensures their reservations are accurate and confirmed for their desired visit date.
Software solutions enable timely reminders and updates, allowing guests to manage their bookings effortlessly. In addition, it ensures adherence to maintain social distancing guidelines by effectively managing the number of bookings, contributing to a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors.
Can aquarium booking software manage both online and on-site daily tickets?
Yes, advanced aquarium booking software manages both online and on-site ticketing. It ensures seamless integration of all bookings, providing a centralized system for easy management and oversight.
Using this feature, front desk staff can see online bookings in real time, preventing overbookings.
How does booking software assist with inventory management?
Aquarium booking software streamlines inventory management by providing a unified platform to manage all ticket categories, monitor bookings, and offer special promotions. It helps in maintaining an organized schedule, ensuring tours operate smoothly without overcrowding, and adhering to all safety and social distance guidelines.
Can aquarium booking software integrate with other platforms and tools?
Absolutely, most aquarium booking software seamlessly integrates with various platforms and tools, adding overall functionality and efficiency. Integration with platforms like Google Analytics provides valuable insights into customer behavior. This helps aquarium operators tailor their offerings and marketing strategies for maximum impact and revenue generation.
Is mobile booking available with aquarium booking software?
Yes, it is available. Cloud-based reservation software solutions mostly offer mobile booking. This allows customers to make and manage reservations on the go. Mobile accessibility ensures that customers can plan and modify their visits at their convenience.
How does aquarium booking software aid in marketing?
Aquarium booking software plays a key role in marketing by automating follow-up emails and feedback requests, ensuring continuous engagement with customers. It also provides a platform for showcasing tour slots on various online channels (OTAs, resellers, and affiliate links), enhancing visibility and attracting a wider audience. These features contribute to increased bookings and revenue, making it an invaluable tool for marketing aquarium tours.
Can booking software prevent overbookings?
Aquarium booking software prevents overbookings by providing real-time data and updates on ticket availability and bookings. This feature ensures that each booking is accurately accounted for, preventing scheduling conflicts or overbooking issues, and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all guests.
Does aquarium booking software offer insights and data analysis?
Absolutely. Aquarium booking software offers in-depth insights and data analysis, helping operators make data-driven decisions. Detailed reports on ticket sales, tourist behavior, and other metrics provide valuable information for optimizing tour schedules, pricing, and other aspects. This ensures the continuous improvement and growth of aquarium tours.
Can booking software improve aquarium tour management?
Aquarium booking software enhances overall management by automating various tasks, freeing the staff to focus on enhancing the guest experience. It ensures efficient ticketing, inventory management, and customer communication, leading to smooth operations, satisfied customers, and increased profitability for aquarium tours.
Upptäck Ticketinghub
Fokusera på att nå försäljning. Snabbare
Sälj fler biljetter via din webbplats, POS eller återförsäljare. Automatisera dina uppgifter. Och få din verksamhet att växa.
Förenkla och effektivisera biljettförsäljningen från fram-och baksidan
Vi avskaffade pappersregister, papperskuponger och bränslekilometer från att behöva leverera papperskuponger. Vi har också kunnat dra nytta av besparingarna från porto- och tryckkostnader. rep och hans team arbetade outtröttligt för att få systemet implementerat på vår webbplats.
Rob C.
Vin och spritdrycker
Bra, flexibelt och med bra stöd från teamet!
Jag driver en gratis vandringsturer, och de hjälper mig att få bokning online, via vår webbplats. Systemet är mycket flexibelt, och teamet hjälpte mig med vissa anpassningar så att det passar exakt mitt behov. Stor hjälp av teamet. Jag är supernöjd med dem.
Daniel B.
Först och främst är TicketingHub kundserviceteam superb-alltid tillgänglig för att hjälpa och mottot: ingen fråga är för dum! Själva programvaran det bra, mycket intuitivt med ett enkelt men effektivt gränssnitt som tillåter oss att sälja våra produkter, göra några merförsäljning, ansluta via API med våra föredragna leverantörer och använda flera betalning processorer också.
Alex P.
Fritid, resor och turism
Fördubbla din biljettförsäljning på en vecka. Betala endast för bearbetade bokningar.
Först och främst är TicketingHubs kundtjänst fantastiska - de är alltid tillgängliga för att hjälpa till och mottot är: ingen fråga är för dum!
Alex P
18 juni 2019
Enastående värde och kundsupport
Värdet för pengarna på den här plattformen är enastående, särskilt med tanke på plattformens flexibilitet och den snygga integrationen i en webbplats.
Dylan S
20 januari 2022
Helt fantastiskt
Det här biljettsystemet är mycket mångsidigt och låter dig göra nästan allt du kan tänka dig. De har en exceptionell kundsupport och verkar känna sina kunder vid namn, så om du har några problem är det bara att ringa dem så löser de det.
Vår prismodell är så transparent som den kan bli. Inga dolda avgifter, inga villkor. Betala endast för den framgångsrika försäljning som vi bearbetar åt dig.
Alla företag
of online card payments only
* Årlig omsättning på över 2 miljoner pund Kontakta oss för rabatterade priser för företag.
Öppen prissättning
Inga tricks eller dolda avgifter
Absorbera eller överföra våra avgifter
Möjlighet att överföra alla transaktionsavgifter direkt till kunden. Avgift för betalningsgateway betalas separat.